The first VERAcore Seed Grants have already being awared. These grants support for pilot accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) projects at the VERA AMS facility at the University of Vienna.
2 grants have been awarded: one for 14C measurements and another one for non-14C measurements. The awarded projects are:
- 14C measurements: Towards a chronology of the Bad Aussee paleolake, presented by Clemens Schmalfuss (Institute of Applied Geology, BOKU University, Vienna).
- Non-14C measurements: Timing of ice-decay and glacier re-advance following the LGM (Steinach am Brenner, Austria), presented by Dr. Martin Reiser (Department of Geological Mapping, GeoSphere Austria).
Congratulations to both researchers, and thanks a lot to the rest of applicants, who presented very interesting projects.