Possible topics for theses
If you are interested in doing you Master thesis with us, please contact Karin Hain and Martin Martschini.
Doctoral theses
Name | Title | Study code | Finish date | Supervisor |
Stephanie Adler | Developing analytical methods for the ultra-trace detection of 99Tc based on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry | UA 796 605 411 | ongoing | K. Hain |
Andreas Wiederin | Establishing a spike material for the analysis of environmental 237Np by mass-spectrometry | UA 796 605 411 | ongoing | R. Golser |
Alexander Wieser | Ion-Laser Interaction Mass Spectrometry of Cesium Isotopes | UA 796 605 411 | ongoing | R. Golser |
Oscar Marchhart | Ion-Laser Interaction Mass Spectrometry of 90Sr for industrial scale operation | UA 796 605 411 | ongoing | R. Golser |
Fadime Gülce | Study of the global distribution of 99Tc | UA 796 605 419 | ongoing | G. Wallner, K. Hain |
Jenny Feige | Supernova-Produced Radionuclides in Deep-Sea Sediments Measured with AMS | A 791 411 | 11.2014 | R. Golser, A. Wallner |
Martin Martschini | Development of methods for isobar suppressions in AMS and measurement of 36Cl with the 3 MV tandem accelerator | A 091 411 | 06.2012 | R. Golser |
Claudia Lederer | Neutron capture measurements on 62Ni, 63Ni and 197Au and their relevance for stellar nucleosynthesis | A 091 411 | 03.2012 | R. Golser, A. Wallner |
Franz Dellinger | Accelerator Mass Spectrometry of Actinides and the Search for Superheavy Elements | A 091 411 | 2012 | W. Kutschera |
Franz Weninger | Bayesian Sequencing of Radiocarbon Dates - Problems and Improvements | 06.2011 | W. Kutschera | |
Jakob Liebl | C-14 bomb peak dating of human DNA samples at the microgram level | 04.2011 | W. Kutschera | |
Rainer Matthias Auer | Applications of Al-26 in Atmospheric Research | 05.2008 | W. Kutschera | |
Petra Kröpfl | The Silverpoint Drawings of Albrecht Dürer: A Proton Induced X-Ray Emission Analysis (PIXE) with an External Proton Beam at VERA | 05.2007 | W. Kutschera, R. Golser | |
Christof Vockenhuber | The upgrade of VERA for heavy ion AMS and the long-lived radionuclide 182Hf | 02.2004 | W. Kutschera | |
Peter Steier | Exploring the limits of VERA: A universal facility for accelerator mass spectrometry | 11.2000 | W. Kutschera |
Master's theses
Name | Title | Study code | Finish date | Supervisor |
David Krebs | 44Ti – Detecting a new Astrophysics trace isotope at VERA | UA 066 876 | ongoing | K. Hain, M. Martschini |
Laurenz Widermann | AMS-detection of 182Hf: Enhancement of isobar separation and characterization of a new low-level reference material | UA 066 876 | ongoing | R. Golser, M. Martschini |
Tabea Fuchs | Detection of radionuclides in tree rings with AMS and ILIAMS for possible age determination of modern wood samples | UA 066 876 | 10.2024 | R. Golser |
Sophie Schoberleitner | Optimizing AMS measurement parameters for actinide fluoride extraction | UA 066 876 | 06.2024 | K. Hain |
Felix Albrecht | A new multi-beam switcher for the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator | UA 066 876 | 03.2024 | R. Golser, M. Martschini |
Daniel Baumgartner | Simulating space charge effects inside the ILIAMS ion cooler | UA 066 876 | 06.2024 | R. Golser |
Stephanie Adler | Developing low energy AMS for the analysis of environmental 99Tc | UA 066 876 | 10.2022 | R. Golser |
Janis Wolf | Study of Actinide Signatures as Potential Markers for the Anthropocene | UA 066 876 | 10.2022 | R. Golser |
Philipp Gaggl | Multiphysics simulation of negative ions in a gas filled RF-quadrupole | UA 066 876 | 08.2021 | R. Golser, M.Martschini |
Michael Kern | Increasing the negative ionization efficiency for the detection of 236U and 233U by AMS | UA 066 876 | 09.2020 | R. Golser, K. Hain |
Alexander Wieser | Developments towards the determination of 135Cs and 137Cs in environmental samples by AMS | UA 066 876 | 03.2020 | R. Golser, J. Lachner |
Oscar Marchhart | Exploration study for trace detection of long-lived fission products at VERA | UA 066 876 | 02.2020 | R. Golser, M. Martschini |
Christoph Marek | AMS measurements of 36Cl using isobar suppression via laser photodetachment | A 066 876 | 08.2018 | R. Golser, J. Lachner |
Tobias Moreau | Development and Characterization of the Ion Laser InterAction Setup (ILIAS) | A 066 876 | 06.2016 | R. Golser, M. Martschini |
Johanna Pitters | Laser Photodetachment in a Gas-Filled RF-Quadrupole | A 066 876 | 07.2015 | R. Golser |
Johannes Lahner | A neutral particle detector for photodetachment studies | A 066 876 | 2014 | R. Golser |
Diploma theses
Name | Title | Study code | Finish date | Supervisor |
Andreas Wiederin | Analysis of Isotopic Uranium and Plutonium Ratios in the Ocean by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry | UF Physik | 07.2020 | R. Golser, K. Hain |
Christoph Eisenhut | PIXE zur Entwicklung der Extraktionschemie für AMS-Proben | UF Physik | 04.2020 | R. Golser, P. Steier |
Xiaohe Zhang | Experimental Ionisation Yields of Fluoride Anions in a Middleton-Type Sputter Ion Source | UF Physik | 07.2018 | R. Golser, M.Martschini |
Paul Wasserburger | Simulation und Optimierung des Laser-Ionen-Aufbaus an VERA | UF Physik | 03.2018 | R. Golser, P. Steier |
Andreas Kalb | First photodetachment measurements of slow negative molecules for AMS | UF Physik | 07.2017 | R. Golser, J. Lachner |
Marco Ploner | Direkte Bestimmung von 10Be/9Be Verhältnissen mittels Beschleunigermassenspektrometrie | UF Physik | 12.2015 | R. Golser, J. Lachner |
Magdalena Kasberger | Accelerator Mass Spectrometry of Caesium Isotopes | UF Physik | 05.2015 | R. Golser |
Edith Schmidt | AMS detection of 10Be with a SiN-foil stack | Physik | 03.2013 | R. Golser |
Josef Buchriegler | Construction of a Multi-Anode Ionization Chamber for AMS at VERA | Physik | 03.2013 | R. Golser |
Thomas Wieninger | Production of a Radiocarbon Reference Material for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry by Neutron Activation | Physik | 02.2013 | R. Golser |
Moriz Jelinek | Ribbon Beam Applications on High Current Ion Implantation Systems Process Control and Quality Ensurance | Physik | 12.2012 | R. Golser |
Karin Eisenhut | Fast neutron induced reactions and new data for 238U and 232Th measured with AMS | Physik | 12.2011 | R. Golser |
Stefan Pavetich | AMS measurement of the reaction 35Cl(n,g)36Cl and its relevance to astrophysics and nuclear technology | Physik | 01.2011 | A. Wallner |
Kathrin Buczak | Preparation of a 55Fe-AMS Standard and the precise measurement of the neutron capture crosse-section of 54Fe(n,γ) | Physik | 11.2009 | R. Golser |
Peter Kueß | Exploring AMS for the measurement of the (n,γ) cross-section of 209Bi at energies relevant for nuclear astrophysics | Physik | 06.2009 | R. Golser |
Philip Müllner | Characterisation fo a new GEM detector with PIXE at VERA | Physik | 03.2009 | R. Golser |
Lea Reichhart | Depth-resolved PIXE analysis with a polycapillary X-ray lens | Physik | 12.2008 | R. Golser |
Claudia Lederer | Cross section measurements of neutron-induced production of 53Mn and 55Fe relevant for the fusion reactor project ITER | Physik | 08.2008 | W. Kutschera |
Martin Martschini | 10Be - 10B isobar separation with a degrader foil: Implementation and testing of an optimized ion-optical setup for AMS of 10Be | Physik | 06.2008 | W. Kutschera |
Leonard Michlmayr | Isobar separation with post-stripping for the measurement of cosmogenic 10Be at VERA | Physik | 08.2007 | W. Kutschera |