How do I find the VERA laboratories?

The address is:

University of Vienna

Faculty of Physics

Isotope Physics

VERA Laboratory

Waehringer Str. 17/Hoftrakt (“Hoftrakt” means it is the backyard house)

1090 Vienna/Austria

Arriving by train:

From the main train station (Wien Hauptbahnhof), you use the exit “Karl-Popper-Strasse” and take the tram D to “Schottentor”. You go one level below street level and take one of the trams to “Schwarzspanierstrasse” (1 stop only). You walk in the direction of travel (crossing the road), cross the road to the opposite side. If you are in front of the restaurant “VinziRast” you turn left and walk into the backyard. There is a wooden door with a bell next to it on the right you should ring (yes, the red button! “Glocke” is German for bell).

Arriving by plane:

Take the S7 (S-Bahn) to “Praterstern”. Change to the underground U2 to “Schottentor”. Go one level above to change for tram. See above for further instructions.

See Wiener Linien for connections to “Schwarzspanierstrasse”.