The European Commission signed first grant agreements under Horizon Europe and VERA is one of the beneficiaries of the selected projects.
The European Commission funds the access to world-class research infrastructures to build an integrated European research and technology landscape that allow researchers in Europe to conduct ground-breaking R&I for the benefit of citizens and society. VERA is part of such a research infrastructure project with a total number of 37 participants. Funding Trans National Access by HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01-04 “Research infrastructures services enabling the development of materials for a circular economy” allows VERA to host scientists employed at institutes outside Austria and perform accelerator mass spectrometry together until 2026. The kick-off-meeting of “Recyclable Materials Development at Analytical Research Infrastructures (ReMade-at-ARI)” will take place in September 2022 at the project coordinator Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany.