Event calendar: VERA seminar dates for winter semester 2024/25

03.10.2024 - 01.02.2025

The VERA seminar is a series of talks during each semester presented by international guest lecturers. It usually takes place (on Thursdays at 16:30h) in the Victor-Franz-Hess lecture hall at the University of Vienna. If the seminar is online only, this is indicated in the title. Login details will be published with each abstract. Talks are held in English and German.

Below you can find the VERA seminar talks set during the winter semester 2024. The list is regularly updated with the lastest abstracts:

10.10.2024 - 16:30 h by Lee William Packer (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Abingdon, UK): "Harnessing neutron power: challenges and insights from neutron activation studies at JET"

07.11.2024 - 16:30 h by Dietmar Georg (Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Div. Medical Radiation Physics, Medical University Vienna) & Wolfgang Birkfellner (Center for Medical Physics and BME, Medical University Vienna): "Medical Physics: Electromagnetic Radiation in Diagnostics and Therapy"

21.11.2024 - 16:30 h by Paul Hanemann (Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany): "Resonant laser-ionization mass spectrometry for nuclear forensics on hot particles"

28.11.2024 - 16:30 h by Zsolt Fülöp (Institute for Nuclear Research, ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary): "Nuclear Astrophysics at Atomki"

05.12.2024 - 16:30 h by Primož Vavpetič (Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia): "Element analysis with PIXE/PIGE nowadays"

16.01.2025 - 16:30 h by Francesca Quinto (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany): "Radionuclide migration in crystalline host rock: insights from the Grimsel Test Site (CH)"

23.01.2025 - 16:30 h by Carlos Vivo-Vilches (Isotope Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna): "AMS measurements for the study of long-term activation in fusion reactors"

30.01.2025 - 16:30 h by Richard Wilhelm (TU Wien, Institute of Applied Physics): "Using slow ions in high charge states to modify and analyse free-standing two-dimensional materials"

Währinger Straße 17, 1090 Wien (or online via Zoom, see abstract)