Event calendar: VERA seminar dates for winter semester 2022/2023

26.01.2023 16:30 - 18:00

The VERA seminar is a series of talks during each semester presented by international guest lecturers. It usually takes place (on Thursdays at 16:30h) in the Victor-Franz-Hess lecture hall at the University of Vienna. If the seminar is online only, this is indicated in the title. Login details will be published with each abstract. Talks are held in English and German.

Below you can find the VERA seminar talks set during the winter semester 2022. The list is regularly updated with the lastest abstracts:

13.10.2022 -  16:30 h by Zheng-Tian Lu: "An atom-trap method fo analyzing 41Ca/Ca in bones and rocks at the 10–16 level" (online)

20.10.2022 - 16:30 h by Thomas Faestermann: "News from the Tetraneutron"

10.11.2022 - 16:30 h by Erik Strub: "AMS for Nuclear Decomissioning - Possibilities and Limitations"

01.12.2022 - 16:30 h by Daniel Glückman: "Investigation of the diffusion of U(IV) and Am(III) through Opalinus Clay with AMS down to ultra-trace levels"

12.01.2023 - 16:30 h by Johanna Irrgeher: "Expanding the elemental and isotopic toolbox in support of the Sustainable Development Goals"

26.01.2023 - 16:30 h by Dennis Mücher: "CologneAMS: Status and Perspectives"


VERA seminar abstract repository (Link)

Währinger Straße 17, 1090 Wien (or online via Zoom, see abstract)